Eating healthier, getting in shape and finding a creative outlet are among the common resolutions you can tackle at home.
Some New Year’s resolutions, such as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or learning to fly a plane, definitely require you leaving your house. But for many common resolutions that focus on your body, spirit and mind, there’s no reason to leave the comfort of home. Here are 10 New Year’s resolutions and ideas for accomplishing them in your house.

1. Eat healthier. Eating healthier should start right at home. Not only is cooking at home generally less expensive than eating at a restaurant, but it also allows you to monitor the type and quality of food you’re consuming. So stock up on those pots and pans and get cooking.
Tip: If you’re running low on storage space for your cooking supplies, consider adding pegboard to a wall so you can hang items.

2. Get in shape. Among the most common New Year’s resolutions is to get in better shape. But that doesn’t mean you have to join an expensive gym. Finding a space in your home to use as a gym or yoga studio will allow you to get the job done under your own roof.
Tip: Any room in your house with enough floor space for a yoga mat can be transformed into a studio.

3. Get more sleep. Many studies have shown that getting a full eight hours of sleep is a key factor in good health. Whether it’s buying a new mattress or installing blackout shades, there are many ways to promote better sleep.
Tip: Make your bedroom a television-free zone to avoid late-night binge watching.

4. Read more. Whether you prefer e-readers or traditional paper books, finding more time to read can be good for your mind and spirit. Creating a cozy spot in your home with good lighting will make you want to stay in and read all the more, especially in the winter months.
Tip: Create a reading nook that can be used all day long by setting up a comfy chair next to a window for natural light and adding a lamp or sconce for reading at night.

5. Pamper yourself. It’s important to be kind to others and it’s also important to be kind to yourself. Taking some time to pamper yourself by creating a spa-like bathroom will make you feel better inside and out.
Tip: Simply keeping a fluffy robe in your bathroom to slip into after a shower or bath can give you a bit of the spa life at home.

6. Find a creative outlet. Life can be busy and filled with many practical pursuits, from going to work to washing the dog, but that’s no reason to not tend to your creative interests. Whether it’s painting, pottery or papier-mâché, find something that gets your juices flowing.
Tip: If you’re having trouble finding subject matter for your art, try reproducing a classic work until you find your voice.

7. Go outside more. Carving out more time to enjoy Mother Nature has many well-known benefits. But you don’t have to hit the slopes or bike trail to enjoy nature. If you’re lucky enough to have a yard or even a balcony, try out your green thumb by starting a garden this year.
Tip: Do you have a favorite herb or vegetable? Start your garden by growing what you love.

8. Start a collection. Whether the collection evokes childhood nostalgia, like the Pez dispensers seen here, or aligns with your current interests, starting a collection gives you a chance to immerse yourself in a passion and share it with others.
Tip: Collections don’t have to be expensive. If it’s valuable to you, that’s all that matters.

9. Get organized. If you want to kick off the new year right, getting organized might be the way to go. Whether it’s tackling a messy garage or a closet bursting at the seams, consider starting 2018 with a clean slate.
Tip: Don’t start off with the biggest and messiest job. Begin small by cleaning out a desk or junk drawer.

10. Write more. If you’ve ever aspired to write the Great American Novel or perhaps a chapbook of poems, there’s no time like the present. Find a quiet corner in your house and put pen to paper. Even simply keeping a daily diary will provide a chance to reflect.
Tip: Before you plop down and start writing, it might be worth looking into ergonomic desk chairs to support your lumbar region.